Goals and Mission


At the Dawn of the Third Millennium

By: Billy Riggs

The Ultimate Mission is to serve God and foster personal relationships that are based on God's love- the gift he gave, so that WE can give. This document deals with the state and occupation that I make this goal a reality. For more information on this vision see, "How we will Get Ahead", the 1997 statement. I must never sacrifice: (1) relationship with God or (2) personal relationships, realizing that altruism is not an American evil and other people are one of the most valuable assets. The combination and proper use of individual and group TIME is imperative for success. In every goal listed on this sheet there must be a constant goal to spend time in God's word everyday, in communion with him, working to give him glory through life.

The Change Factor and "The Road Ahead": Change and adapting to large degrees of change is going to be essential in the next decades. To succeed I/we must adapt to the changes and see what is on the horizon, capitalizing on the newest innovations to enter the market. I know that computers and electronic exchanges of information are going to set a new precedence in the coming decades. I want to be fully computer literate, and highly involved in the technological fields, possibly having investments or start-ups in computing or networking companies. The only way to survive in the information age in which we live is to control the flow of information, and this must be the goal of a multimedia information and entertainment company.

I foresee the transition from analog to digital TV that the FCC is virtually going to push onto the American public as being a thing that will open many doors for people willing to take a risk and get in on the forefront of a major change. Just having digital TV opens up great possibilities in the areas of direct TV and movies on call. The computer and TV screen are going to become ever closer and "Web-TV" is going to gain prominence, as many services become streamlines on to the Internet. The possibilities are endless from brand new motion pictures to music to banking all done by credit card from the comfort of your own home, by pointing and clicking and typing.

This opens up a whole new realm of questions regarding the nature of this digital stream. The integration of this line, which I believe will eventually be mostly fiber optics (beyond that I don't know), will be a major undertaking and making such high-speed connections possible will be a highly competitive field. The use of traditional telephones may become obsolete, because of the use of personal digital cameras and digital microphones that make teleconferencing (or its new term "net-calling") commonplace, broadcasting a conversation around the world via the personal TV and computer. There are many areas that will need drastic improvements in the coming years, including the motion picture and music industries. Until there are real life motion pictures that are digitally filmed there will be at least some resolution loss upon the conversion to digital imaging (DVD's or Internet streamlined).

This will also open up many opportunities for "do-it-yourself-er's" who implement new technologies on a small scale, as well as purists who stick to traditional forms of recording and entertainment for the novelty of it or sentimental traditional reasons. Films and music recorded in this manner with the "warm, vintage" analog feel may become the cult classics of the next generation, which may take up collecting cassette tapes.

I believe that CD’s will become obsolete soon because of the wide availability of free music on the Internet, and the people on the forefront will begin to provide music for free, as a sort of gift to society. This will make the majority of profit in the music industry come from merchandising and tour sales. The music industry will become more of a service field that a manufacturing one, in the future.

I could talk for hours on the kinds of innovations that may encompass the coming years. For a good source containing some of the same kind of insight from a more intelligent and reliable source, I recommend reading Bill Gate’s 1997 book, "The Road Ahead." He expounds about the technical side of things, in which I have had little training. You could also talk theory with me and my bud Malcolm.

The Overall Vision: Realizing that I am a very diverse person, I want to have many things going on in my life, and I believe God has given me these diverse talents and creative abilities for such a time as this. The major goal is to own and operate a multi-media empire, rivaling Geffen, Industrial Light and Magic, Sony in quality but not size (possibly buying out some smaller companies after the inevitable Disney/Viacom breakup).

The Band will be the foundation of the multimedia through establishing a band in the area, and operating it as a business. It will have outlets within many different avenues of the media industry, being a breath of fresh air into a stagnant and repetitive industry driven by the dollar, not the Holy Ghost. The band will bring excitement and real-life Christianity to the people, being a light within the myriad of secular acts. It may or may not involve signing with a major label because it is essential that we retain the rights to our songs. The money made from this upstart and major touring, which will include a series of successful records, that may or may not be released on CD for profit, will be used to form "the company." "The company" will initially be a wholesome record label recording wholesome music and looking for new talent, signing and putting together new bands, but with the integration of music videos and the Web. With time we will begin to push into new territory, possibly doing even CD-ROMS, and hardware along with full-length feature films and quality children’s entertainment. We will become a small God-based media company with the market credibility to reach the hearts of those who will but open their ears. For more directive and specific information on the Band, see insert titled "Band Goal’s 2000."


"The Company: 's" largest interest will be in the multimedia with a small stake in the technological fields that will probably increase with time. "The company" will have an executive officer and staff that would organize day-to-day operations, but the majority of the control would remain in the hands of an executive board and stockholders. Me, the family and a devoted group of leaders, investors and friends would serve on this board. Personally, I will focus my time on producing, making, acting in, singing and in every aspect involved in the production in many of the movies, music, and other Media that come from company. I will be assisted by a group of select and very talented, innovative Christian co-employees, along with the other artists with whom we are involved.

The technological side of "the company" will have to do with the increasing changes and need for networking within all businesses today. The product might be some sort of hardware, made here in Indiana where labor is cheep (Petersburg?). We might choose to capitalize on digital the TV conversion and offering low to mid-priced digital-to-analog converters that allow analog sets to receive the new digital signals. Other products could be certain types of CD and recordable technology, along with developing mainframe and networking systems for other businesses. "The company’s" web-cite division will be highly developed as a result of all the work promoting the "The band" and this will spill over into the technological dept.

On the other hand the technical side of the business may dominate at first but eventually the media side will begin to grow larger, and the company will shift emphasis there, to web-integrated marketing streamlining of its own products, purchased via credit cards and downloaded to home TV's and computer's.

Personal Pledges:

In later life, I want to continue study different things, being a lifelong student and taking the freedom to study other things of interest to me at selected universities. These subjects will include art; alternate forms of music; science; medicine; language; literature; computing and electronic engineering; drama; martial arts. I want to retain the ability to write and to teach, possibly being published in selected periodicals. I would like to teach at one point, as long as it is student focused and not research driven. I would also like to try my hand at writing fiction and non-fiction later in my career, drawing from the large bank of idea's I have accumulated over the years. I will always continue to have a force in the recording industry, ever satisfying my need to perform, and doing all of this to glorify God

I want to study abroad and experience other cultures and ethnicity's in person, in a constant process of acquiring wisdom and knowledge. I want to make a commitment to spending at least one semester abroad during college. I believe we live in a very global society. The emphasis of the economy will continue to span more and more national borders. We must learn about other countries and languages, and continue to include them in our business plans, and education. We must learn the best ways to show them the love of God we have yet not step on their cultural toes and be offensively cruel or intolerant.

Traveling is so much fun, flying in particular. A family jet will be essential for travel on business, for short terms mission trips, musical touring etc., along with travel between the bases and houses we will have in England, Northern California, and Southern Indiana. There will be a need for real estate caretakers who will purchase and oversee all developments and family holdings, as well as care of family and "company" property. There will most likely have to be a small team of people to help with this upkeep.

In all of this I plan on making personal fitness a priority, taking care of my "temple". I will continue to run both for enjoyment and competitively, committing at, least an hour a day for my personal health. I will integrate swimming, biking, martial arts, yoga, weightlifting and similar interesting exercises into my workout routine for more variety. I will eat healthfully, showing restraint and moderation when it is necessary. I will be open to trying new sports and activities and integrating them into my lifestyle, some of which might include sailing, mountain climbing, or other similar sports. I will spend time outdoors very often, communing and gleaning inspiration from God's perfect creation, which echo's His joy throughout the earth.

Giving: I want to continue giving freely throughout my life. It is my mission as a Christian to tithe, but I want go beyond that. I do not want to be bound by prices, but able to make smart purchases, knowing that money is a gift not to be hoarded but to be used wisely and invested it in certain material things that may yield larger dividends in the future. I want to give all I can to help my friends family and brothers and sisters in Christ. I want to have enough where I can provide for and nurture the utmost dreams of my friends and neighbors, by the love of God. I want to endow Graceland Christian Schools with enough money to perpetuate teacher’s salaries and benefits, as well as donate to the Cardinal Varsity Club, in the name of the "Cross Country Team."


Or Option: B

And then sometimes when I think about it, think that I would much rather, pursue a career as a doctor both Ph. D and M.D. focusing on academic life and running. It seems a little more secure, less outlandish, and basically easier. But then when I think about it that would not be pursuing the path that I feel gives God the most glory. But this plan still could be good and feasible for later life??????????

Either way I still hold true to the same basic truths and desires.


The Short Term:


Pursue Degree; learn technology; real Life Experience

Music: CD out/copyright/play out

Run: NCAA’s as a cross team

Study Abroad


B.A. History

Begin M.A./M.S. Program (CICS and something else)

Play Music Part Time: Statewide Recognition and National Marketing

Send Tapes and CD’s everywhere

Emphasis on Web-site design and integration

Summer: Series of Camps (travel to play)


3- Year:

Continue working on Post Grad Education or Have Job in Tech Field

Music in Free Time: working on full time/Recording

Build Studio and Begin to make new CD

Marketing: National/sign to major label

Hire Web designer and other people to take care of products and fans etc.

Use of CICS Degree


4- Year:

Work (Teaching or Tech)

Music: Tour and market incessantly with Big name band

Begin to integrate other ideas and products into "the company"

Do Music and studio, begin to sign smaller bands to your own label.

Invest in companies- stock and time



Music Business Takeover: National tour/Popular Growth

Work on integrating other feature to tour and recreate image to stay competitive

Work In Missions for a While.

Build a strong technology business in rural Indiana

Work toward Unity and spirit led worship in churches

Pursue Acting



Married with children on the way- nice homes and leisurely setup

Studio-operation/ownership- Multiple artist on label/music and audio visual

Major feature films- Direct and Act in films

Many other faucets to the company- stock nest egg



Goals Outlined on this sheet- moving toward the future

Own a Preserve of Natural land of 10,000+ acres in all across the country

Run multiple marathons/ Have a great God-based family