journal.. jot, jot, tittle...

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January 4, 2001- I hope this page turns out grand and that it can be a wonderful way to keep in tough with friends and family while I am REALLY busy next semester.....One day, not so long ago, in a land not so far away from the place you live, the man cub was born.  He grew quickly, too quickly, becoming carnivorous within weeks, and learning the ways of the tribe, the law of the pack.  As he developed physically so did his intellect and his desire to discover what lay beyond the land of his fathers.  He began to take short trips, aimlessly wondering, hoping to cure his anxious restlessness.  And  his absence was noted from the clan.  They did all they could to offer him comfort, but they could not quench the fire inside the growing adolescent.  One day they arose to find his bed had not been disturbed.  He had gone- gone to see what lay beyond even the furthest reaches of his fathers kingdom....

January 6, 2001- Like Nixon said: "I am not a crook," well, I am no totalitarian American.
Overfed; Overpaid; Under worked; Sheltered; Lazy; Inconsiderate; Petty; Vain; Frivolous; Materialistic; Superficial; Insubordinate; Negative; Priggish; Egocentric; Slothful; Greedy; Prideful; Gluttonous; Apathetic; Bored; Useless; Dull; Lifeless; Cannibalistic; Uncircumcised; Pathetic; Imperceptive; Inexperienced; Callous; Hard-hearted; Faithless; Numb; Misshapen; Vague; Decayed; Imposing; Arrogant; Discriminate; Snide; Barbarous; Racist; Sexist; Immoral; Ignorant yet seemingly omnipotent, insistent capitalistic consumers.  The pushy totalitarian American.  When will you find your fall and meet your next great super-power.....
& all We wanted was PEACE...............

January 12, 2001- And the word for today is: conundrum.

January 18, 2001- I found out today.  I am taking two classes at Oxford.  "American Government and Politics" and "Town and Gown, a History of Oxford."  And I am getting pretty excited.  Yippee & Cheerio.

February 1, 2001- There are two words for today: ethereal & enclave. How insidious!

February 2, 2001- I am spending the weekend down here at IU Bloomington this weekend, being able to spend some "quality time" with my dearest cousin Jennifer McQuiston.  We have had some deeply profound discussions over life and faith, and her insight and wisdom and earnest heart for the Lord never cease to inspire me.  I have not yet had a chance to talk music with Ryan Lott or to receive his counsel over planned upcoming CD release or band name.  I pray that God's will unfolds like it should and that I finish all that I came here this weekend for. 

February 13, 2001 Hmmmm.... the question, my all-time favorite movies? Ernest Goes to Camp,Earnest Saves Christmas, Earnest Goes to Jail, The Love Bug, Herbee Rides Again, oh, those are classics. OK seriously, filling in the drama position on my top five would be: 1. Ben Hur- gotta have some Charlton Heston, more power to the NRA. But it was a tough decision between that and Dead Poets Society cuase I like both of far as dramas go, but I when choosing I thought that if I had to just sit and watch both of these movies 24 hours a day, if I chose Ben Hur, I would be less depressed in the long run and that is good. 2. West Side Story takes the musical movie category 3. Aladdin takes the animation category. I could really relate to him and loved it. I used to have a poster my little sister rejected in my room at home, wait I still do, Ahh!!! (this might be cheating since it is kinda a musical so maybe I should stick this at #2 but I will just put some other options on the Honorable Mention List) 4. Dumb & Dumber I always wondered whether it was Lloyd or Harry who was dumber, but as for dumb-ass movies that are so stupid they are hilarious this is probably my favorite. 5. Hmm I am running out of categories but if I had another it would be my ultra-weird-avant-garde-style movies but since I don't really see a whole lot of these, I will bump my choice of Snatch down to the honorable mention category and put in a feel good classic, Forrest Gump. Honorable Mention: Snatch- dark humor can work, and it's not as coarse as Pulp Fiction. In the Name of the Father-which a strong performance by Daniel Day Lewis, Braveheart, Field of Dreams (If someone hadn't seen this one I would question their citizenship.) Home Alone and Home Alone 2- Don't knock - I like em, 3 sucked though. Shawshank Redemption, The Never-ending Story (but not part 2- it sucked) Princess Bride- (classic) Billy Madison & Happy Gilmore. Hmm. and you wanna know what.. all this ranking stuff remind me of the movie High Fidelity and since I liked it. Star Wars (the original and the second The empire strikes...yada yada... I don't know.. there are probably more.. but these are some of the highlights that a few minutes of thinking about it brought to mind which probably are my favorites, because the more I think about it the more and more the movies start to get obscure, which means although I may have enjoyed them at the time, yet they are probably not favorites... Aside from my thoughts contemplation on this... I have been trying to prepare for the Spanish exam I took this morning. It was basically all philosophy which is pretty tough to do, but another language makes it even tougher because all of the words I think of in English, and a lot of them have no direct translation. So since I think in English still, philosophizing (if that is the word?) only comes after I attempt to "re-say" everything differently and sometimes the meaning doesn't come across. I think I will know when I actually have a total grasp of the Spanish language- it will be when I start dreaming in Spanish (which will be a bit weird and I am not sure if I will ever be there) But anyway, I guess I have always thought that when you start dreaming about something it is really starting to get down deep into your subconscious & automatic thoughts. Like when I broke my hand in the 8th grade and wanted to play basketball left handed. I knew that I almost had it when I started playing left-handed in my dreams. OK, I know this is strange and a total tangent so I'll stop on that.... it all comes around to say that I think I did alright on the exam.....a lot of words to say a little bit of nothing.

MaRcH 7, 2001: What a mess.  Guns in schools and people shouting it from the telly. "Teenaged gunman wounds 12, kills two.."  And what can we do about what really matters -about starvation, sickness, eliminating third world debt, the rise of neo-fascism- about our own bigotry?  Action must be taken.  This is not as easy as just flipping the channel.  Passive consumers of a culture obese with their own self-satisfaction.  Learn pain and learn true pleasure. 

Oxford, England, April 17 2001, and the people aren’t a snobby as I assumed although I have had little less than a few minutes of conversation with anyone here. England is a unique place, I can see that already it is very different than what we see on the news. Contrary to what you might think I saw 100’s of sheep on the bus ride here today, not to dispel what we have seen on TV about foot and mouth but I believe it is played up a bit for the hype of it. People here are eating beef too, another misconception that I had in the back of my head. They are just very careful about the sources of their food…i.e. when you see something labeled “organic” in the store it really is “organic.” The “Oxford Express”, which was the bus to get here was anything but express. It took two and a half hours for a ride that was supposed to be max 1:15… oh well, made me laugh, and the cars are so narrow, and let me tell you something very definite- the streets all run in circles, not lines, circles. You can try to figure it out but I suppose it is for people like some guy I saw today, wandering around drunk wreaking of beer and carrying his violin, so he can never get lost. One final thing: I kicked jet-lags’ butt!!! He couldn’t handle me. I didn’t really get tired all day today. I felt pretty well. Well, that’s about it. I am gonna hit the hay.

April 21, 2001-I saw the sweetest thing today. At least I thought it was sweet because it reminded me of two very important women in my life my mother and my sister, and while making me laugh, made me thank God for them. A mother and her young daughter were walking down the sidewalk together arm in arm on the opposite side of the street from me. They were walking and talking, enjoying the pleasant weather that we had today. (Pleasant meaning it wasn't freezing cold and drizzling.) They kept on walking until they reached a car which was like all English cars, short and midget-like. I saw the young girl instinctively come around the car form the sidewalk to the side closest me, what I perceived to be the driver-side door. 'What!' I thought. 'Is that girl going to drive? You have to be kidding me she looks about 11 years old!' And then as another car passed I realized what a moron I had been the whole time. She wasn't driving, she was joining her mother in the front through the passenger side door. In this world of backward things such as power outlets and phone cords, not to mention no hot water, yet another detail to add to my list of 'England's oddities.' Cars with the steering wheels on the wrong side. So, with a laugh and a shrug to the sky I continued my walk to the Rhodes House and Library to get a book only to find it not open when it was supposed to be. Yes, just another example of English efficiency. So I will just go back another day.

April 22, 2001: I had a good run today that was just the answer I needed to some distress I was feeling last night. I was really debating on whether my body could handle a run today, but I knew that long-slow Sunday runs are big with the team here and it would be a great opportunity to get further connected. (I already did one run with them on the Iffley Road track were Bannister broke the 4 minute mile and went too hard so I was nervous) I was worried it would be too hard but it ended up being a slow, steady state for about an hour, and although I am a bit sore now, I think it was what I needed. I also connected with a guy on the team as well and we are going to run again in the week. I am satisfied cause he is one of the better runners, and there are quite a few slackers over here.. (Smith really would be an 'all-star' here. ) So now, even more today, I really do want to try to come not to try.. to come back. I want to be better than I was before.

April 23, 2001- I had the most today was the most interesting day, across between feeling completely dazed and stealing a whole bunch of cheese at dinner (Gabriel you would be proud of me, I got brie, cheddar, blue, even your specialty, mo-jack.) was all over the place and feeling quite the Oxford student. First I met with a tutor and outlined my course, Medieval British Art and Architecture, and then I attend a lecture on International Relations Since 1985. It was pretty boring but I felt smarter for even going, so I went to the Rhodes Library and read about the US Constitution for 3 hours. Now I have to admit I did doze a bit, but honestly I can't say that I have ever read for that long of a time strait before. It was a good experience and I left feeling pensive and scholarly. The Rhodes house is kind of an inspiring place. Don't let me forget to tell you about the architecture there sometime. If there as ever something that made me think of the Persona Cecil Rhodes seems to be in my mind it is that building- the massive exterior columns and high vaulted ceilings in empty wood paneled rooms. It is a building that oozes self-confidence and gives a strong, deified impression of a man with power, money, and control. Even the banisters inside are adorned with large wooden eagles that seem to indicate this superior air. It is a house for a person who knows them self, who they are and where they are going, and possibly, that is why it intimidates me a bit. Never-the-less, after a stuffy 'formal' dinner in my tie and black academic gown (you will see pictures of how silly I look in it) what better to ease the pains of the day playing croquet for 2 hours until dark. It was a wonderful experience but must of looked rather amusing to any native Englishman who passed by...
&two South Africans & two Americans playing croquet in regal gowns while a Swede and two Germans spectated... At least I find it oddly humorous.

April 24, 2001: I just finished my first tutorial, or one on one session with a professor. (except apparently professor is a very exclusive title here that few people have including my tutor) It was over the principles that should govern the interpretation of the constitution and a was very intense and draining session, yet all together satisfying. I had to read my essay aloud 'owning it' and then hear he comments while defending my own stances within the paper. Luckily, I find my “daft” tutor, Dr. Lesley Smith, very easy to talk to so things went really well. We discussed the paper I wrote and did some comparison of implicit There were two major things she found wrong with the ideas in my paper, both of them being broad generalizations. The first thing ruined the whole basic premise- which stated that the constitution should be interpreted on the same principles that a mother would raise I child with, grounding them in history and with principles such as flexibility, compassion, and integrity. I argued that the same held true for the law, being grounded in political thought such as Locke and Montesquieu, and using a historical basis as well as compassion and integrity to flexibly interpret the law. She said that the idea was all nice and good, but what about parents who kick their kids out of the house, and mistreat them. And to that I countered that it was only an analogy and a personal way of bringing the law, which is many times abstract and aloof back down to a personal level. The other problem she had with my analysis is its’ emphasis on individual rights an assumption I most likely because I was American. (Well duh!!!) But it was something I have never thought of before. We as Americans do put more focus on individual rights, yet the British have no rights- they are subjects. There is no written list of rights such as the Bill of Rights, those are subject to what is best for the whole of the people. The government if there to provide for its citizens not to protect all of their rights. And this is a primary difference in ideology that caries great weight in the difference between economic roles, taxation, welfare and public programs. Based on this fact that individual rights are such an important part of the US Constitution, and the assumption that the US would not undertake writing a new one, I would have to say that fears about the US ever becoming a social welfare state are unjustified. We are far to selfish of a culture, no not selfish capitalistic and entrepreneurial. (So now that leads me to the question with just what the US government was trying to do in the Microsoft anti-trust hearings- but that is for another day.) So thus ended our hour and a half session, both having proved nothing, but having had a good time debating a lot of somethings.  Politics Paper One- Constitution

An Email My Mum Requested to Have Documented: 24/4/01
Dearest Billy,
I will let dad respond to all that stuff (Riggs family business stuff)--he's the guy in the know--except for plans to move---no word on any changes in our lives yet--I'm really trusting that the Lord knows what 's best here, and closing doors he wants closed, and opening those he wants opened--not too many opening--dad may be frustrated, but I'm certain Jesus has him in the palm of his hand, and we're not moving around because of God's direction--Daddy just needs to settle in on that, and relax and enjoy the journey--
how did your first weekend go? I thought of you sooo often, wondering what little Billy was discovering in that big new world that has opened up before him--Billly, I hope you continue to see your experiences over there as just part of the big plan God has for you--remember, what YOU do in and of yourself is nothing--what God does through you is all that matters, and all that will ultimately fulfill you and give purpose to your life--keep that in mind as you consider your future options in respect to the opportunities and experiences that you are having in England.
--love you, honey--mom

25 April 2001- One week already?!?!?…To tell the truth it feels like it has been at least two. Why does every day feel so long here? Maybe it is something to do with the weather, but the time seems to creep along like molasses. But I will probably feel quite the opposite when the 8th week rolls round and I am wondering where all the time went. I keep on running into more and more people for whom I have no basis of comparison. I don’t think you understand what I am saying completely so let me explain. When I meet someone, I am usually able to make some kind of loose mental note on a persons features, identifying with a feature of their face or posture that helps me to remember them, i.e. a name-face connection. Most the time I can relate at least one or more feature about the way this person looks to another person I have known or met in my life, or in some cases, an animal will come to mind. (I can distinctly relating certain individuals to a horse, a turtle, and a mouse. They know who they are because I told them, but hey, a mouse is much better than a rat any day Still with many of the people here I am finding that I come up with no preconceived ideas about their features. Possibly I am just becoming a more open-minded, less hyper-critical type of person, or maybe the shock of this place through accents, phrases, looks etc. has not worn off, but the fact remains that I am having trouble categorizing and comparing them in my head. Maybe there is no comparison, but then again, why not they are people too. For an example take the ‘identical’ Waterson twins, Steve and Mark. I met them through running with the University Athletics team, and they are as different as night and day, yet unlike ay twin I have ever met. Both are highly intelligent, both are runners. Both are blond-haired and just a bit shorted than me and a bit less muscular. (Although Mark would claim to be both bigger and stronger than me.) Steve is the more clean-cut and conservative, Mark the raucous wild child and long-haired ‘mad scientist’ of the family who, when I asked why they did not have sing-songy names for twins like Jim & Tim, or Bob & Rob, or Beave & Steve, said that in school they had actually been called ‘Marky and Sparky.’ They both look like they are 13 yet they are 24 years old, and I can’t compare either one of them to anyone I have met before. Amazing people!!! Yet in the words of the Beatles in Penny Lane, “very strange.”

Friday 27 April- I started my computer programming class, a class that lasts three and a half hours both this and next Friday. Unfortunately, it is a bit basic and doesn’t go into very much depth. The teacher used an example about how to make tea, in comparison to the step by step process of writing a computer program. She spent almost a whole hour explaining this analogy, which was quite possibly one of the lamest and most worthless pieces of information I have ever been told. It was force-feeding for sure, and I can’t really say I learned all that much, but there is no real mental damage done, so I guess it would be harmless to return back for the second week, just to make absolutely sure I don’t miss anything… Otherwise, hmmmm, I went to some consignment shops in the afternoon and spent a few hours doing research at the law library, which is very nice and supposedly the second biggest in the world behind Harvard. But that is only one of the huge libraries here.... In the evening Eric Danemar the Swede, who ironically likes Russia better than Sweden, and Franz Schaper, the 29 year old German who lived in East Berlin under communism and was one of the protestors as the Berlin wall fell in 1989, and I went out to some ‘college bars’ and pubs. These guys are amazing to be around and talk to, just to learn about their respective cultures and personal perspectives is very enlightening. Franz taught himself English by listening to British rock and roll for example and Eric served in the Swedish Military and State Department for two years before coming here. I could have cared less where we went, or what we drank; we actually ended up at a South African Independence Day celebration at our own college which was a bit different. Honestly, just listening to them share about their own lives, and probing them for more information about their own countries while adding a bit of a perspective on mine, was the most fulfilling thing about the evening.

April 28, 2001- As a result of my activities last night, which kept me up until about 1AM, and going to a track meet in northern England today, I am physically exhausted. The trip today involved getting up at 6 o’clock for a run before the Oxford University ‘Achilles’ Track club left for a meet in Birmingham, England, the second biggest city, at 7:45. It was a 2+ hour bus ride in a bus, having the worlds most uncomfortable seats that did not allow me to add a minute to my meager 5 hours of nightly rest. As it turns out, the bad weather seems to be following me and it basically hailed the entire meet. It was great to get to watch a meet in such a relaxed manner though, and it must have been pretty cool to run a 3K in a down poor of hail. Did you know that they only run a 2000 meter steeplechase over here until the big meets? They say it is to be easy on people’s legs- whatever! Pansies! Anyway, the meet was on at Cosford Air force Base (RAF) which made things especially cool as these neat glider planes would hover silently over the track while going in to land at an airstrip a quarter mile from the track. So basically I timed and jogged warm-ups and cool-downs with a few of the guys all day and then road the bus home, really hungry and scavenging around for some left-over dinner. And after all that, I think I am going to do some reading and turn in extra early tonight so I can have a productive day tomorrow. Goodnight!

April 29, 2001- I have devised an 18 week training plan until my first ‘comeback’ this coming September. That is one of the things I did today rather than study. Actually, I might have over-done it today with all the physical activity. I did 75 minutes this morning, which actually felt pretty good, and was over a lot of beautiful land and country foot paths. Then after studying for an hour or so this afternoon, a chap named of Matt here at the college knocked on my door and said, “Would you fancy a bike ride for an hour or so, with me and Malcolm?” So, after deliberating with myself for 4 seconds I said, “Sure, why not?” We went for about 20 minutes to this awesome park with crazy off-road mountain bike paths with jumps and such. It ended up being a 2 hour mountain bike ride and capped it off by all going out for jacket potatoes here, which are a really cheep full meal here. It was really GREAT FUN!!! I am such a sucker for physical activity but I fear I may have some scar tissue thickening and swelling tomorrow with the amount of stress I put on my Achilles, but we will see. I feel fine right now. I am going to go really easy tomorrow (or take it off) and then take Tuesday off completely. Is all that confusing enough for you? Well I NEED to read.… no seriously, I should really read, but I probably won't.... I will probably fall FAST asleep.

May 1, 2001- Today is May Day, and since I didn’t know anything about this holiday and spent last evening and this morning celebrating I thought I should learn a bit more about it. We celebrated last night with a very formal 'black tie'-i.e.-tuxedo-(Oops, I forgot mine!!!) dinner and then with drinks and dancing on in to the night. Then in the morning, in keeping with longstanding tradition, people went to hear the choir sing atop the pristine Magdalen tower at 6AM,. Most the people there were trashed and had not slept, as the alcohol was abundant the night before. They even tried to serve us champagne mixed with orange juice at the traditional English breakfast this morning after the choir but I would not partake. I thought it was sick, plus, come on, it’s breakfast people! And all the time during the evening and morning celebration all I was thinking was, "Why are these people just celebrating a Communist holiday?" which to some extent May Day is. It was established in 1889 at an international meeting of socialists, is traditionally celebrated in many European countries as a labor holiday, I guess similar to our Labor Day. But seriously, I always knew it was a big deal with the Soviet Union and such, and with, in the words of Marx, "workers of the world uniting." What I had know clue of was the original spring implications. As described on Microsoft Encarta, May Day, is "the name popularly given to the first day of May, which for centuries has been celebrated among European peoples. May Day festivals probably stem from the rites practiced in honor of Flora, the Roman goddess of spring. May Day is currently celebrated as a festival for children marking the reappearance of flowers during the spring. It is traditionally greeted with joyous dancing around a garlanded pole, called a maypole, from which hang streamers held by the dancers." Now apparently there were 'may pole dancers' somewhere this morning but I must have missed them. Also there were riots and protests in London, where evil henchmen and thugs went around and beat people up and turned 'lorries,' which I guess are cars, over in the streets….but alas, I missed all that too.  
Politics Paper Two- Courts

May 2, 2001-
Once there was a rabbit, a furry little rabbit who lived in a hole in the woods. 
See the Rabbit run, See the Rabbit Hop,
Rabbit in the sun, Rabbit going flop,
Rabbit having fun, rabbit in a sock
Rabbit with a gun, rabbit drinking pop…
I’m Pissed off…..   
History Paper One- The Bayeux Tapestry

May 3, 2001-
Billy--keep in mind that the boring history class info may serve you well in the future, as you ponder where to take those that are looking to you for direction, and you can look back and see where people have gone directed by certain footsteps they have taken throughout history--that darling young man on West Wing (who reminds me of you) is always philosophizing about the decisions he is making for the country, basing his decisions on what he knows has gone before, way back, in world history--and England's history will (or could) be very important in your future....just some thoughts from momee.
Enjoy the rain--have a spot of tea and some great crumpets!..and find a fire--thinking of James Herriott in the Cotswolds right now, and those lovely pictures of England in those children's books Ive seen of his animal stories--and find some lovely flowers/gardens that rain is making--I wish I was there!!! love momee

May 5, 2001- Wow! Funny how God can work and me not even see it completely. I am so humbled right at this moment to be in the position I am now, after feeling pretty miserable, lonely and dejected just a few days ago. God has really allowed me to move way beyond a lot of those fears and weak my faith has been. My Achilles tendon is feeling much better after being distressingly sore a few days ago, although my calf is still weak. I have found a guitar to play here and played for two separate adoring groups. I have found people with whom I can relate who have included me in their lives. Matt Malcolm and I went to a very interesting speaker at the "expedition society" on Thursday night 5/3/01 and it was amazing... this guy was a documentary maker, probably the biggest in the UK, who told all about his natural adventures and travels, along with showing his work. His job would be rally cool; I really want to be an artist on every level... So hmmm? Where does that put me and school? I do not know. At the pub (Lamb & Flag) afterwards I met two more of my new friends Charlie and Kristy, and we talked for quite a while- a lot about music and the filmmakers speech. They are both studying geology, which I find interesting but in the same category as everything else I have been studying- somewhat unfulfilling. Even moving on to today, when I spent the majority of the day with Charlie, walking, talking and having "pasty's" for the very first time, it was culminated by talking philosophy and politics and playing tunes with Tom, Lammi, and Matt- my own tunes. What is wrong with me?

May 6, 2001- I went to London today, and it was great. I got to see the national gallery again along with some amazingly spectacular gardens at Hampton Court, which was King Henry the VIII’s castle. He must have been quite a hunter, because there were probably about 100’s of sets of antlers in two of the halls I went in. I couldn’t help but compare him to Benji because he was such a “man’s, man” and had all those huge racks everywhere. He also looked kind of vaguely similar to Benji, in his rustic bearded poses, pudgy face, and tall massively built body. In the words of Goose on Top Gun, “I got this great Polaroid of it.” so I can show you sometime. Otherwise the other highlight of the day, aside from taking pictures of these four random kids cuddling in the paws of one of the Lion sculptures at Trafalgar square (Kind of like I would imagine of the character ‘Aslan’ in C.S. Lewis’ the Chronicles of Narnia) was my visit to Westminster Abbey’s services this evening. The service was OK, I would have to say a bit dry and dull, yet I could not help but be enraptured by the magnificent gothic architecture, sweeping towards the heaven and taking my breath away. We always say that our lives can give glory to God through our actions, yet we limit it just to animate objects that have souls...well, I think I have seen an inanimate object that sings praise to God, regardless of all the dead wood around it. I think I have seen a building that gives glory to God and it brightens my heart.

May 8, 2001-  I have been writing and organizing web stuff all day yesterday and today, and I need a bit of a break.  But not for long since I have another essay for my History tutor due on Thursday at five.  Man, being over here does great things to your writing skills.  An 8-10 page paper is nothing over here.  I have knocked out almost 4 of them in the past week.  I feel like some sort of twisted machine, manufacturing canned knowledge, but the tutorials are the fun part- getting what you wrote (and read) for them critiqued and learning all that you forgot.  Actually you do have a bit of an advantage though, because you can actually surprise the tutor with what is in your essay from a weeks worth of reading.  Politics Paper Three- Presidency

May 10, 2001- I had a revelation today. If the world were flat then we wouldn’t have to worry about time zones. It would be the same time ACROSS the world ALL the time. Things would be so much less confusing, and it would be so much easier to communicate, even if you would fall off the edge when you walked or sailed to close to the edge. There would be no different climates only one beautifully warm one across the earth’s surface, the underside being the colder, foul-weathered part where no humans chose to live. What was God thinking making a spherical object? Wanting some cosmic batting practice? Oh yes, in this game called life, at least we are on his playing field. Well, it’s off to bed for me just after yo leo mi Biblia. History Paper Two- Castles(frightfully bad)

May 12, 2001- Today was, in the words of U2 “a beautiful day.” I can hear Coach Trautmann butchering the song in my ears even now- splendid! It has been the second consecutive sunny day we have had, and I am loving it- such a pleasant break from the rain we had been plagued with. I spent a great deal of my day, procrastinating outdoors after my lousy attempt at getting up this morning (11:56, need I say more). I ran for an hour and a half this afternoon and got quite a good bit of sun too, since I was going at it without my shirt. It was wonderful. I hope it is just as nice tomorrow. I even got a bit of a laugh from a bunch of students at the rainbow bridge at Oxford University Park, who just happened to be jumping from the bridge into the river, which is about 25 feet. There were probably 100 people stopped there as spectators, carrying on waiting for these people to drop in. I did get some of my 'errands' done (i.e. I got some soap so I wouldn’t stink anymore.) and had a great dinner of houmous, bread and water along with an orange. Naturally I am still hungry- nothing a little cereal won't cure later. :) But wait did I even tell you that I went punting yesterday. Yes, punting on a punt, which is the kind of boat you use with a pole. It was way cool, no that is not Oxford enough- It was spectacular!!!

May 15, 2001- And the word for the day is: quixotic. Here is why my little urchins and sea nymphs. Politics Paper Four- Congress

May 16, 2001- Oxford is a wonderful place; seriously, last weekend was beautiful with the birds chirping in the air, having a perfect discourse with the orchestra at Worcester (pronounced Wooster) College. It was beautiful and relaxing to take it all in, sitting there on the grass, sipping wine and absorbing the music as it began to sprinkle lightly. This place is almost magical, and I know why Matt Sells’ sister called it a “fairy wonderland.” It is a slice of non-reality; a place where you can fall in love and be rocked to sleep by the surreal and intoxicating things around you. A place you are immersed in that causes you to forget the broader world of life outside of it. It can be wonderful going from one pleasant experience to the next, yet it seems rather selfish. And I fear it may make it easier for people to forget, cold harsh realities of life such as hard work, manual labor, sacrifice, death, disease, hunger, suffering, eternity, even their own sin. It is easy to forget these things, that may weigh heavily on our minds, here when we are surrounded by such experiences and zestful exuberance. These experiences are not bad in themselves, by all means no, they are the creation of a God with infinite wisdom and beauty. But when we lose this association and look only for the momentary pleasure of the experience rather than making the respectful and thankful connection to God as the supreme blesser and creator of it all, then we are only deceiving ourselves. I think many people, including myself, have come dangerously close to being swept up into this materially driven culture- living for only great sensory experience that distract from true purpose, and more importantly, admitting sinful nature. If we are always kept busy, occupied by wonderful ‘happenings’, then we can be deceived and come to think we are better than we really are. We may never thinking deeply about spiritual things, nor giving them a chance to, as Hebrews 4:12 says, “penetrate...dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow...” judging, “the thoughts and the actions of the (our) heart.” We can be rocked to sleep by self-satisfaction, gratifying our own flesh and sinful nature rather than taking the road we know to be true- which many times may look in a worldly sense, less enticing. It is easy to live for superficial experience here in Oxford- with immediate gratification for the mind and body, but such a road only leaves the soul dry and empty. One can lose spiritual tenderness inside and the soul be laid to waste, making it easier to ignore any type of Holy Spirit conviction. Yes, there may be feelings of momentary happiness and satisfaction, but in respect to long-term joy one is left empty, though many times not even seeing their own decrepit state because of the entrenching and addicting activities of pleasure in which they are involved. We need spiritual food and the Lord's power for our ultimate satisfaction, rather than being enraptured by the claws of such a culture. We need more passion; wisdom and discernment that we may follow God better and make the most of every opportunity we have to live for him, witness and do his will. We need to ask God to let the Bible come alive to us, so we can be encouraged in our weaknesses. Lord bless us. Truly and deeply bless us. Let us live wholly and utterly for you.

May 17, 2001 To all my friends running in the Mid-American Conference Championships which begin today, I wish you the best. The following message was sent to the entire Oxford University Atheltics Club as encouragement for their "big" meet against Cambridge this Saturday. Hope you find them at least a bit humorous...

Here are my thoughts for the day. Peruse them.  Digest them.  Absorb them.

"God made me for a purpose, and that purpose is China, but he also made me FAST and when I run I feel his pleasure." -Eric Liddell (Chariots of Fire)

" 'This Abrahams character.  What do you know of him?'
'Jewish.  Father's a banker.  Academically sound.  Defensive to the point of pugnacity.'
'Do they say he can run?'
'Like the wind.'" -Old Codgers ( Chariots of Fire)

"Whoever said it was all about taking part was a born loser." -Linford Christie

"Oh Harold" -Bird (Chariots of Fire)

May 18, 2001- I got the opportunity to meet and introduce myself to Chris Patton today, the former and last governor of Hong Kong before the British turned it back over into native hands. I thought it was pretty cool. He is now an EU Commissioner and seemed like a pretty nice guy- pretty down to earth, even asked me about home and where in the US I was from. It is kind of cool that ‘famous’ people hang out here in Oxford. They just seem to blend right in and you never notice them. Maybe that is my problem in all my attempts to try and meet the boys from Radiohead, or Stephen R. Lawhead and Sir Roger Bannister. Oh well, anyway, the reason I bumped into Mr. Patton was that I out ‘witnessing’ to random people on the streets of Oxford with the Pastor of the Oxford International Church of Christ. It was not something I would normally do, just going up cold to strangers and asking them about their faith but I thought I would give it a try, yet now I am not so sure of it for two reasons. First I think it turned off more people than it turned on. The people who shrugged it off and were annoyed far outnumbered those who were receptive and even listened, like 99.8%. The second reason has to do with the explanation I received from the minister I was with. He questioned my salvation because I don’t go out and witness like this all the time, but I cannot believe that this is the only, and most time effective way to witness. I don’t know. So I have had this question swimming around in the back of my head, “Does one need to SHOW whether or not he is a “disciple” of Christ through physical witnessing or evangelism- asking people cold if they are Christian or if they go to church?” Is it only by faith that you are saved or by faith and DEEDS? I think that if you are a TRUE Christian you will want to share your faith, even if you don’t do it in this exact methodology. I have been feeling guilty and condemned by such words too, and I know this is not right. “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.” I know that it is “By faith that you have been saved, through FAITH in Jesus Christ, but also that “faith without works is dead.” I DO know that I AM saved, and that what I have been fed does not line up with my personal beliefs, but still, it serves as a caution and wake up call to me so that I might remember the power of the spirit realm and to be BOLD in sharing my faith, keeping in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit in every action of my life.

May 19, 2001- I guess this is residual from yesterday. Denominations are a silly thing. Even those that condemn then, saying they are non-denominational are in essence creating another denomination. So what do non-denominational churches believe? Nothing? Everything? I think I would rather end up having a title that stood for something, not to be a divisive issue but to be a statement of faith. Still, division is stupid, but I think when people criticize denominations by saying they are non-denominational all they do is create another denomination.

May 21, 2001-This weekend was a strange one, well mainly just from just really early Saturday morning on. It all started his weekend when I got asked to go to Paris with my Swedish friend Eric Danemar. I wanted to go so badly and would have right off the bat, but I had already committed to help out serving drinks at a summer fete- at a neighborhood party about 20 minutes outside oxford. So I ended up doing that despite staying up half the night trying to get out of it. Needless to say, I was amply rewarded. They gave us some heavy poundage. It also turned out that me and the person I was working with missed the last bus, and then two taxi's, so then this young couple invited us to stay in their home for the night, which I couldn't believe. It was strange, yet so cool- very hospitable of them, even giving us breakfast and a lift home the next morning. Never have I had an experience like, that just staying at a random persons’ house, and it was interesting. I am glad I wasn't alone, so I could discretely look over and mouth the words, "What the heck are we doing?!?" So it was good to get out, though, even though I would rather it have been Paris. Um, otherwise still doing the school thing but there is one thing that has been troubling me. If you read my last journal entry or so they are all about religion and the talks I have been having with a minister from the International Church of Christ. He is a super nice guy, and dead on with a lot of the things he says about the Bible, but honestly I feel like he is trying to make me feel guilty or something, or not as good of a Christian because of my beliefs. I don't know how naive he thinks I am and I don't want to hurt his feelings but honestly, I don't really get encouraged from talking to him. I always feel obliged and downtrodden. The latest this evening was a guilt trip because I want to have fun and experience things while I am over here. I leave for Edinburgh, Scotland to visit Rachel Graham really early Thursday morning and he was saying that being a Christian might mean that I would have to cancel trips like this in order to witness to people on the streets of Oxford and I don't know. It just all doesn’t line up and frustrates me. Yeah, God wants people to share his word, but how much will he and can he do to make it within the natural scheme of living their lives. I don't know, why was the door open for me to go to Edinburgh if God didn't want me there or to go any of the places I am going to go in the next weeks like home, Paris, or Spain. Is that not God's plan? Honestly, I find this very frustrating, to be polite and say nothing yet be disagreeing with everything- not on the Biblical principles that back them up, they are pretty solid, just on interpretation. Yikes!!! I just know I AM a Christian and DO have a heart for the lost, no matter if I choose to go and ask random people on the street their spiritual beliefs or not. I think that this is honestly more of a turn-off that a turn-on for most people, and would rather cultivate friendships first, reflecting then injecting people with the word of God.

May 22, 2001- I feel like writing something insanely ignorant and silly today. Like a story about a cat sniffing glue, all because I have been thinking about stupid serious stuff for the past 72 hours and they are about to drive me CRAZY. Luckily my sanity was saved, by a lovely email from Crystal Meeks and the knowledge that my little sister, Haley Anna Riggs, turns 12 today. Happy Birthday Haley!!! Here was the paper I turned in this morning on, ‘Why a Democrat is a Democrat?’- a paper which basically led me to sipping tea and discussing the differences in societal values between our culture and European ones. As Americans we value money, profit, and hard work to get you ahead, rather than charity and as selfish as we sound in the face of a social-welfare state, that gives handouts to those that don’t provide for themselves, I cannot apologize for my beliefs. There ARE winners and losers in life, but when I pass the bums on the street over here that spend all day every day begging for change, I cannot help but note all the wonderful jobs around, that could get them off the streets and the opportunity for them to get ahead, and I think- there is no excuse. So here is the paper. Sorry I got serious again. Politics Paper Five- Parties

May 23, 2001- All day today I pretty much worked frantically to finish a paper on the Wilton Diptych, but when the time finally came for it to be due, I never even had to read the stupid thing. Oh well, guess I wasted a bit of time deciphering my own gramatical mystakes when she could have done it for me when she reads it. I leave for Scotland in a few hours, and I am well ready for a break. I caught myself talking and debating with my South African friend Gareth Morgan, over whether or not the letter 'K' looks harsh and abrupt and makes words like 'skeptic' more durogatory and abrasive when spelled in that manner. (The British way to spell it is, 'sceptic' over the American way which is 'skeptic', so decide for yourself.) When you find yourself being amused by conversations like this you really need a bit of a break from academia, and that is why I am getting out of here soon. Oh, here is the paper: History Paper Three- The Wilton Diptych

May 26, 2001 I am so tired. The reason? Well, today kind of ran into yesterday, in that I couldn't make my train in Edinburgh from Glasgow any other way but to take the 3AM o'clock bus which put me into Edinburgh at 4:10AM with nothing to do but sit around for a few hours. I ended up walking up the big hill to where the Edinburgh castle is and taking a bunch of pictures there. Then I moseyed down toward the train station and caught some winks there until I could get some more extended sleep on the 7 hour train ride back to Oxford, yet I don't think you can call that quality sleep. So anyway, yeah, I have been in Scotland for the past 4 days and, wow, it is really nice. A beautiful country, with very nice and hospitalbe people, I think a bit more sociable and less reserved than the English are, but that is a very loose stereotype. I spent the majority of my time in Glasgow, and stayed with my friend Rachel Graham who goes to at Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow is a very 'artsy' town and its' architecture is amazing. There are so many different styles and all are beautiful in there own right. So, since I got back at 2PM, I have been lounging around all afternoon outside at a 'Garden Party' here in the college recovering from my travels. There was a live steel drum band and free food, so I just sat there dazed in the sun and soaked it in. Naturally I am going to turn for bed pretty soon here. Right about now. Goodnight.

May 27, 2001- I have had the most beautiful memories running through my head the past few days. Memories of you when you asked me for directions the second time we met- directions that I was of course, more than happy to give. I remember a spontaneous trip to China Buffet that somehow ended up in baking cookies and swimming around in your beautiful eyes late into the night. There was a scary bridge and ice cream with friends, along with songs on the playground. I can see you wearing my red-hooded sweatshirt, making even it look good, and still hear the sweet words coming out of the telephone on the wooden castle that I could never seem to find. “Follow my voice.” Oh, did I ever want to follow it and whisper back to you. I remember a ‘new’ pink shirt, black pants accentuating a sexy form, and shoes that hurt your feet from too much walking having never worn them before. I remember talking about music, my music, and worrying I had humiliated you trying to teach you to count the beats. Then there was a running escapade that inspired me to pull out my guitar and write yet a second beautiful song about it all. I remember looking dumb in a Steak & Shake hat really late in the evening when I was tired beyond compare. I remember you a camouflage shirt that night, driving that outrageously small yellow car. I remember walking to pizza and then making some funny looking Easter eggs, after an amazing kiss. I remember how many eggs we broke, and how I though it was kind of funny that I had forgotten the smell of making Easter eggs- vinegar. I remember the last time I saw you, how I didn’t know what to say, and wanted to make a scene and should have. Oh, it is great to have memories that play around in your head, especially when they keep your feeling alive. Yet in just about 5 days the figment of my dreams will materialize once again way beyond the British horizon. And I will be able to jump inside those beautiful eyes once again, playing around, soaking it all up, like a beautiful crystal.

May 28, 2001- My run today was wonderful- nice and sticky, considering the humidity is way up here right now. Yeah! It’s just like home, the way I like it. I love to feel the sweat on my body saturating it like water, and to feel like I am oozing warmth from the inside out- the salt crusting in my eye sockets and on my pants. I love the glare from the sun and tasting the sweat and its’ bitter bite on my lips. I live for these feelings of focus, of complete release, thinking of both nothing and everything while I am pounding down the road, one lonely step after another. It is so exhilarating, much more so than my other new found talent that seem to be occupying too much of the time that could be spent doing something productive- juggling. Oh, well, I did get 5 hours of research done today at the Law Library. Now only two more papers to write before I am “home free”- literally.

May 29, 2001- Billy is very tired tonight but content- content not to think. He had a hard day at the office, actually had to write a whole 8 page paper in 3 hours of the morning and then defend this sketchy document shortly pulling answers out of thin air and other unmentionable places. He made some outlandish claims in the thing, stuff about capital punishment being the last great ceremonial ritual of our culture that preserves a healthy illusion of power and justice among the public and lets them feel "safe"- as safe as the power of the government- yikes! He did end up making 13 quid (pounds) for a meager hour of work but that was something totally different, a stroke of luck entitled a "voting experiment." Go figure, he had no clue what he was doing there or how to do what he was being asked to do, he just did it for the "free" money. But that is not why Billy is content. He got emails from momee and crystal tonight and will be at home seeing friends and family sooner than he realizes, and that gave the day a much brighter shade of gray. -But it wasn't gray, it was sunny, so none of this poetic silly mumbo-jumbo really matters anyway. The message gets across either way. Politics Paper Six- The Death Penalty

June 2, 2001- Falling asleep holding your hand makes me not want to wake up. Shaking out of excitement to see you makes me not want to leave. Even the salt on your runner-weary face has appeal as I kiss you beside the lake.

June 3, 2001- Good-Golly-Miss-Molly!!! What a wedding! It was beautiful to see two people I love be so happy, and pledge to spend the rest of their lives together. It was almost even more wonderful to spend the day PLAYING with Crystal even though she couldn’t come to the wedding. We played basketball and ran and just enjoyed ourselves until she had to work at 3PM just before the wedding. The after-party was a blast. I got a chance to dance with all my aunts as well as my grandma Mary Jane Gorman. What a happening party!!! But one thing has been going through my mind. I keep on thinking about my cousin and her new husband, Jennifer and Ryan Lott. Man, they are such an inspiration to me in terms with their relationship with God. Have you ever feel humbled when you look at your own faith in comparison to someone else’s? I look at them and I think how will I ever be able to compare to that? I feel like such a slacker in my love and devotion for the God when I look at their lives and all they are doing to serve God. It seems somewhat discouraging, because I wonder where I went wrong. Why I do not hold to the same level of devotion as they do?. I do know that I shouldn’t try to compare my spiritual walk with someone else, one who is on a completely different level or journey, but still, I want to do the best I can with what God has given me and seeing such commitment makes me reevaluate my own.

June 4, 2001- The roughest, most hectic journey up to this point in my life just ended when I got back from Indiana about 2 hours ago. I sat in the Indianapolis for 7 hours waiting on a flight because of a stinking storm that wouldn't let up in Atlanta, and then missed my connecting flight there when I finally did arrive. Still, for some odd reason I was so cool through all of it. God must have given me an extra dose of the peace that passes all understanding because the situation I was in was anything but peaceful. Anyway, now that I am here, I am a bit tired and the life of the party is catching up with my workload. Once again, I think I should be borderline panic mode, but I am pretty cool and just ready to be DONE for the summer. I have visions of sugarplums in my head- I mean Crystal and good times with her. It was totally fun!!! But in addition to that beautiful thought there are more than a zillion other thoughts floating around inside this fishbowl sitting on my shoulders. This weekend I got a chance to hear Gabe's new CD and it is awesome. Honestly, it inspires me. He has done such a good job and put on a showcase of his giftings. I know I am just as talented and want to be able to do the same. I think I can and do make the same quality tunes; it is just a matter of being able to record them (having the recording stuff with me) and then to being able to perform them. I just don’t know if this is the direction my life is leading, nor if I have the gumption or fortitude to see it through. I am torn because I think BSU is the place for me in all but two aspects, one of which is the most important to me in aspects of career and life ambitions- music/worship. (The other thing BSU doesn’t have going for it is money, since U of L offers double what BSU does, but still BSU offers a total ride, so how can you argue with that?) Seriously the more I think about it the more I think music can change the world. I have had doubts in the past but I now believe that it can cut strait to the heart of person like nothing else, and touch a person no matter their race, color or creed. There is no need special lingo or frivolous words just pure motives, and a good message, which can empower the people from the inside out and have more of an impact on actual human welfare than even politicians in their vain rantings- who have to spend a majority of their time being “political.” I think this is one of the things I have learned studying politics over here- that politicians are weak in comparison to people with a voice; that they are weak in comparison to people with a passion to say things of substance and meaning, people that “mean what they say and say what they mean.” So, I don't know where I am going with this because I believe that I could be offered the some of the same musical opportunities at Ball State as other places, such as University of Louisville, it is just a matter of priorities... Ahhh yes… is it a blessing to be such an indecisive-dreamer? I just need to remember that I don’t have to figure out the rest of my life today. God is in control and will guide me and direct me on what to do and where to go, placing me where I need to be at the times when I need to be there. I have to just remind myself that my life will not end when I am 23 or 24, nor when I am 40 or 45; that I will not be at a terminal and immobile, dead-end place career wise and that I will still have options and opportunities my entire life, that will make things interesting. Twenty-two is so relatively young in the grand scheme of things so why make yourself feel old?

June 5, 2001- Is it not wonderful to spend all morning writing to meet a deadline that is in the afternoon? Yeah right...makes me crazy, loopy, scatterbrained, psycho. Going on overdrive in disregard of everything aside from a dumb essay due in less than 5 minutes. Give me a break, on the other hand am I crazy or is it just a completely messed up system that makes you do things you don't want to do or provides you with things you want to do when you don't have time to do them. That is the case this week when I received an essay on American exceptionalism a topic I love, yet I was completely crammed to get it all done. Education is a crock when your head isn't in it- at least my tutorial was a wonderful and encouraging critical thinking exercise and a solidification of my beliefs. Politics Paper Seven- Exceptionalism

6 June 2001-Remember in elementary school when there used to be such a thing as 'backwards day', or wait, that was 'opposite day' wasn't it? Yeah... Well, anyway, today is opposite day or whatever because everything I things go opposite to whatever I try to do. I wish I could of gotten up on the opposite side of the bed in spite of the block wall there because today that side jut seemed to be the wrong side. I felt ucky, icky, yucky, crappy. My throat felt like I had swallowed fire and my head like a helium filled balloon ready to with one prick of a pin and blow phlegm all over the room. Pretty picture, eh? In addition I had to write yet another paper for my history tutorial and this one I was just not into. I feel so apathetic to schoolwork right now, history especially. I am tired and just want to be done. Who cares about stupid 500 year old books? They are paper and ink printed in large volumes with boringly obscure words, that are printed with, take a guess, brilliant, more paper and ink- this kind with a glossy finish. Whoa... So what do I have to say? Big deal, not like I am actually seeing the real thing. How does this pertain to me as a 20th century human being- very little ad even that little may be dodgy. At least I still have a slight interest in Politics as a subject. Otherwise I am ready to be HOME and to relax and experience the little bit of summer that I have left. I have so much to set up organize and do... OK, enough whining for now, this is just to prepare your eyes for how terribly bad this essay was. Worthy of little more than wiping excrement, and yet I am glad to be done and wash my hands of it. History Paper Four- Books of Hours

8 June 2001- I learned the true implications of the ‘chaos’ theory today, as my day just got more and more crazy after one simple and trivial decision. Which bus to take to London, the Oxford Tube or the Oxford Express? Both cost the same, and go at roughly the same time. I chose the Oxford Express, and from the start, things seemed swell, the only odd thing was that the bus ride was uncannily short. After getting to London I got slightly lost spent way to much money on a requested souvenir for MJ Ofsansky (who said he would pay me back), and got a blister on my feet from walking too much. By that time it was 12:30PM so I thought I should start heading my way down to where I would find Jenni Biesel’s hotel. To kill time I thought I would go into a museum on the way- the museum of Natural History, only when I got there I found out it cost 5 pounds and I wasn’t going to pay that for an hour or so, so I walked back down the street and went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. It made me dizzy, enough said. I was not in a good, museum mood at this point and sitting sounded very appealing, so I went looking for the hotel and found it after about 15 minutes. I inquired about Biesel’s group and was told they would be in by 4, only at 4:30 I still found myself waiting for their arrival in the lobby. At this point I was hungry and couldn’t think, so I decided I had waited long enough and would try go catch the tube to catch the bus back to Oxford. OK, so went to the tube stop flipped some coins up to pay for my ticket at the window and the dude flipped them back. What?!?! The Oxford Express had given me a ‘pound’ from Swaziland for change in the morning. That ticked me off and distracted me so I got on to the tube going the wrong way. When I finally corrected myself and got to the bus station I had missed the bus I wanted. No prob. Wait for the next. The next was late. As I got on he looked at my return ticket longer than he should have. Was he daft? Quite possibly, because the stupid driver of the Oxford Express got a whole busload of people, including myself lost in downtown London. Aren’t bus drivers supposed to know these things? So, as I sat there in rush-hour traffic, lost on a hot Friday afternoon in Central London, regretting the fact that I had spent lots of money, not seen Jenni, and would miss the evening meal- (this was the most important considering I was famished)- what did I do? I did what any person in my situation would have. I prayed for a time warp that would freeze the whole world while our bus raced home allowing me to get one last hot meal before I left for France. It didn’t happen, but I couldn’t help but think it could have, as I looked out the window of the bus and smirked to see us passing a entire car enflamed and getting ready to blow up. Surreal- when the passengers are telling the driver his own route. What a weird day.

9 June 2001- 4AM. Off to Paris and Normandy to practice a language that I know one word in... Wi? See you next Tuesday.
In Bayeux- Hey God. Thanks for today. You made it a whole lot easier than I thought it would be to travel to France. Although I was up at 4AM and on a bus to London to catch the train to Paris, you let me sleep almost the entire way so I wasn’t tired for my first day in a new country. Thanks for Chris and letting me spend this time with him. Thanks for FOOD and FRANCE- this wonderful little town of Bayeux, French baguettes and Camembert cheese. Thank you for safety and forgiveness. I look around and marvel, humbled by your creation, Lord you have blessed me so much giving me the opportunity to see and experience what many never have the chance to see or do. Lead me not by my own will but yours. Crush my own desires and give me yours. Place me where you want me to be in school, relationships, running, etc. Oh lead me. Continue to heal my body and give me peace about my life and decisions. Help me to use all of my giftings for your purpose, in particular the gifting of song. Control my actions and my mouth and keep me from lies and evil that I may serve you.

June 10, 2001
7:00- Alarm goes off, 10 more minutes sleep…
7:10- OK, just 10 more minutes…
7:20- Out of bed for a 30 minute morning run through the French countryside.
7:55- Cloths on over a dirty body- like it mattered. There was no hot water at this 4-star youth hostile anyhow. They did have a fairly nice breakfast though: Cereal; eggs; French bread; croissants; yogurt; milk; juice; coffee.
8:00- Walk to breakfast- we stayed in a satellite to the hostile about a mile from downtown.
8:47- Sitting and Bible reading in the park.
10:15- Took bags to hotel staying at that evening.
11:00- The Bayeux Tapestry- much more interesting in real life that I though it would be and only 16 francs so it was still affordable. I could actually read the Latin and follow the story pretty well, but it helped to know assumptions that Odo of Bayeux commissioned it.
12:58- Started D-Day beach tours. Had a crazed driver who liked to whip around curves and pass segments of the road where no man should attempt such feats- complete blind spots, complete idiot. Only who was the bigger idiot, the idiot driving or the idiot who paid money to be in the back seat while this lunacy was occurring? He was the one person whom we discovered did not know a lick of English, just like to smile back at us after almost killing us by his terrible driving. We were first humbled by the cliffs and terrain of Arromanches and the British beaches, Gold and Juno. Then went to Lonques s-Mer- German bunkers and fortifications. Omaha beach and the American cemetery followed, and what can I say- completely humbling, so many graves and each grave a LIFE about as old as I am, just stopped right there, ending dreams hopes and aspirations right there on the beach. I could not help but think of all the people back home whom had known these people and how their deaths impacted lives cross-continentally. It was very peaceful and serene there a complete paradox to the way it must have been on June 6, 1944. The last stop was the famous German fortress at Pointe du Hoc. The terrain was incredible, such inherent natural beauty creating natural defenses. An assault on this area must have been beyond their wildest dreams, and yet we did it.
5:58- Arrived back at hotel.
6:15- Walked streets.
7:00- Settled down to a nice meal of Chicken, potatoes, salad, cider, bread and some kind of pastry for the desert course.
8:30- Sat in the park and talked until got too cold for shorts.
9:30- Back at hotel readying for bed.
11:00- Lights out, but it would be an hour before we stopped gabbing.

June 11, 2001- Up early today, 7AM early, to catch a bit to eat (bread and tea) and then catch the 7:50 train from Bayeux to Pontorson- a town just about ten miles south of Mont Saint Michel. We passed historical towns along the cost such as Avranches, where Patton broke through with tanks and pushed through France to Belgium. After getting to there we took the 10AM bus to the old monastery. On first impression it looked like it was strait out of a fairy tale. I know it sounds very Ameri-centric but it reminded me of something Disney-esque. It was almost too magical and picture perfect to be real. We spent probably two hours setting up pictures around the thing, a bit of that time debating over whether or not we should stay on the island for the night which was very expensive (along with walking around the island looking for places where we might be able to sleep outside like vagabonds.) We even came across a seal in its natural habitat, sunning itself on the beach. During the afternoon we occupied ourselves in the actual monastery on top of the rock. It really must have been glorious in its day, but honestly I could not help but be a bit down about the whole experience. I mean this old church building; the holiest of places is now nothing other than a show for tourists. It is completely out of context and desecrated every day by people who don’t really care about its heritage and how it was used. I found it hard to look at all the Asian people there snapping their infinite photos of everything in the cathedral. What would the monks think if they had seen this? What would Jesus have thought? Would he have yelled at the top of his lungs, crushed their cameras, overturned the benches and told them to turn away from their Buddhism or other forms of paganism. True the monastery has been abandoned for a while, so it’s not that great big of a deal, but for some reason, I just can’t see them getting as much out of it. Possibly respect, something I am showing very little of in regard to them right now. Anyway, they are not the only ones their, I actually got stopped and asked if I would take a picture with a bunch of 18 year old Polish girls on holiday their- talk about a boost to the ego! Still, it was wonderful to escape such a wonderful place, we end up settling for a cheep youth hostile back in Pontorson, and made an excellent pasta dinner for ourselves their- a long, thought provoking, yet satisfying day.

6/12/01- One final French sunset…and man I love France… as the red sun departs behind the gray horizons clouds over a hearty land that has born the brunt of thousands of years of war and peace, hurt and pain, joy and heartache. Today was a taxing day, but I am content. Sandwiching hours of walking, in between morning (Pontorson-Rennes-Paris) and evening trains (Paris-Lille-London Waterloo) where I sat watching the French countryside go by, makes me feel the nerves and anxiety to be home and begin next year. It is not impatience but an excitement. I am ready for summer to begin- just to not be ACADEMIC for a while. I want to see family, friends, Crystal, Johnson, everyone. I want to run on my road routes in Southern Indiana. I had dreams about both my family and Crystal last night and am anxious to spend time with all of them. I know that Chris feels the same way too after sitting all afternoon on the Champs Elysees eating ice cream, talking and people watching. It was relaxing just to sit and talk after seeing the touristy parts of Paris all morning including the Eiffel Tower, Military Museum, the Palace de Invalides (where Napolean is buried), the Rodin Museum, Arch de Triumph, the Louvre, even a presidential motorcade carrying both the French and Hungarian presidents through the streets in complete pomp and circumstance. Chris and I talked about this desire to return home not driven by impatience but a level of excitement and anticipation that has only been fueled by travel- fresh cheeses and breads, wines and ciders, and our favorite pastime, window shopping for pastries. Chris is a wonderful travel partner. I had so much fun with him discovering this section of France, but even more, conversing about life and things that matter to us both. He is an educated man, and my friend, whom I love and respect as a brother in Christ. He just made spending time in France that much more enjoyable. I do say, France was good to me. I must come back someday.

6/13/01- After getting back from France late last night I have been in a consistent state of processing my trip and experiences. It was very unique and occurred at just the right point to enliven my thinking about the cultural differences between mainland Europe and America. They truly do take life a bit slower and less seriously that we do. Even the food is amazing and they take pleasure in its excellence- yet I do not recall seeing one obese Frenchman while I was there, only one obnoxiously huge American. I truly think that leisure is more valued there and it is amazing! It is great to see people who take so much joy and pleasure out of things that we take for granted, such as cooking or vacations. All these reflections are further reiterated in a book I am reading entitled The Joyless Economy by Tibor Scitovsky. I can’t help but think that this attitude applies and relates closely with European views on capital punishment, and oddly enough as I was enjoying France and blissfully ignorant of the rest of the world and its happenings, Timothy Mcveigh was executed in the place that I call home- blessed Indiana. Europeans have condemned the US for its position on the death penalty. They see it as a barbaric form of revenge and in complete violation of the International Declaration of Human Rights, which the US signed. I cannot help but question, was it just? He saw himself as a military man, fighting against the tyranny of the US government- the deaths as a result of his actions just like those in a time of war. The same has been seen in England with the IRA multiple times, he was sorry for the pain of the families but not for his actions- how else could he eat two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream before lethal injection. I can’t help but think that the man was insane, and do the criminally insane deserve to die? I am not yet ready to divulge my beliefs on the death penalty, all have not yet been formulated, but I do know that we take it way too lightly. Just look at Matt. 5:38-42 and then read through these “non-partisan” Courier Journal News Articles and see if you think that the death penalty was the most “fair” and best option in this case.

June 14, 2001- Fear of Dying Young & a Dying Youth
The day I realized that I would die young was the day I became free, truly free. It was the day I lost all fear, the day I stopped worrying about ambition, desires, fame, and leaving a legacy of something great for all the world to see and appreciate. I became relaxed and content to release the urgency of youth – that feeling that there is not enough time to do it all. I breathed easier and ran out the door without a thought or care in the world. It was the first day I ran out of true desire and pleasure, rather than trying to prove something.

Done!!! Completely, utterly, maybe a bit tragically – done. What a relief. I am a college grad. With this dumb paper, on the cultural valuation of money, I finished my baccalaureate degree. I have done Oxford. And the funny thing is, am I supposed to feel satisfied? It is a nice feeling but to tell the truth, I feel borderline empty and pretty exhausted. I just want to let out this huge sigh of relief and release only I am afraid there will be nothing left inside after I do so, or I am worried I will not have the energy or stregth to take another breath. I am so ready to be entirely un-academic this summer, just to sit around the US and PLAY- also taking in lots of heat and humidity. Oh yeah... Politics Paper Eight- Money.

June 17, 2001- 3 days of highly intense mileage running wise and 2 nights spent going out with friends here from Oxford University seeing them for possibly the last time in my life has left me thinking about someone 6,000 miles away, a distance that seems insurmountable right now, especially as tired and beaten as my body feels right about now. Last night it was a end of term party with the Oxford University Athletics Club (the fancy name for Track and Field Club) that I attended with Mr. Stephen Watterson, a.k.a. ‘mini minor.’ I have really enjoyed his friendship as well as company on training runs, and we had a lot of fun goofing last night. I saw him show off his hidden and uncharacteristic talent of bear-guzzling or sculling, too last night as he, one of the tiniest guys I have ever known downed a pint in less than three seconds – and this wasn’t toy beer it was Guiness. Amazing. Amazingly funny. The night before, Friday June 15, it was dancing and carrying on at an Oxford nightclub called the Purple Turtle. I was there with about 8-10 Harris Manchester students, but spent the majority of my time with my short and charismatic African friend Sam Mensah. He is a joy to be around, yet the whole night as I was dancing and talking and getting my yearly dose of second hand smoke, I was distracted by thoughts of being HOME. I could not help but wish I could make certain people appear in the crowd before me. But it was not a hallow experience, I enjoyed the people I was with, but I could not help but think of how much fun it would have been to have Crystal there – to celebrate her 19th birthday and my graduation. Happy Birthday Crystal!!! See you soon.

June 19, 2001- Hmmmm... as trite as it may sound in a few hours I will be, "leaving on a jet-plane. Don't know when I'll be back again." And so this is it, the end to my first term in Oxford. Honestly I am numb to the whole experience. Oxford is and was wonderful, but I am very ready to be home, and to relax and joy what little summer I have left remaining. I want to cherish it and remember it, and hopefully this website can provide just that, some sort of record of what it was like for me to look back on and appreciate in later years. I think this will conclude my writing in this particular journal. My real journal has suffered as a result of this typing and online writing and there is something to be said about sitting down and analyzing your thoughts on paper, away from the radiation and monotony of the screen and keyboard in this computer era. So England, I bid you adieu, and in the words of yet another famous rock star, "Mama, I'm coming home."

August 18, 2001- Time has passed and now I want to start this up again...Inspired by the dearest Allyx, whose name I adore, and personality lights my horizon like the early morning sun.  Thank you God.  Now for a question.  What does it truly mean when someone says the word "love"?  What does it truly mean when someone says the word "miss"?  Do we love or miss in the same context that we mean when we say them?  Have these words lost their meaning?  Do the phrases "I love you" or "I miss you" still mean the same?  


19 august 01- That person who said attitude is everything or 98% outlook 2% effort, well he or she whomever they were was a smart man, or woman.. they should have written a book and published it and made millions cause you know what they were right. Really right. I wish I could be more positive all the time and spread more optimism around the world. I think that is half of being a Christian and trusting God, just having joy even when everything is going quite shitty. And just proves that I need to become a better one. I need to become more reliant on God every moment of every day.. holding every thought captive to Him and taking time to look through they eyes he gives me in every situation. That must be what that 98/2% dude or dudete was thinking.

6/21/01- Feeling pretty basic after my second class that humbled me. Yeah, stats, hard stuff. I am not a science person and I got stuck in the math/science section of statistics and well, it is pretty darn technical. It is kinda funny cause I took caluculus my sophmore year in college and spent the past 3 years forgetting most of it and now I have to remember all those symbols and functions and I can't remember what stinkin crevis of my brain I laid those mundane facts in. I do have some relief with my planning classes though, and a big plus is our posh locker room facilities where I am going to sleep right now until practice. I should have entitled this entry "tour of the lockeroom" because I am so enthralled with the place. We have these padded benches and nice wooden lockers, not the hard metals ones like at good old BSU. They also too the time to personalize each locker with a name plate and since this only our cross facility it is a smaller size that gives it a real relaxed feel. They spent a little extra and got carpet rather than that nasty tile floor that infects us all with athletes foot. There is even cable TV and a huge stereo system where we can pump the tunes while we are chilling before and after practice. The biggest perk though is the soap in the shower s it smells so friggin good, like piņa colada or coconut or something tropical. Man it is a whole other experience to lather up in that stuff verses the stuff we had at Ball State. Oh yeah, exhilerating!!! :) So without further ado I am going to go chill there for the next few hours. God Bless Conference USA...

August 22, 2001-


YOUR TURN: to respond to what I have written & thought

Comments:Sorry. I guess this page has been not been working correctly for a while as a result of me deleting part of it. Oops. Sorry.
June 15, 2001 14:13:33 (GMT Time)

Comments:As I sat in the airport for 7 hours yesterday before even leaving Indianapolis, I contemplated just forgetting about it all, giving up the tickets and just staying in the good old USA. It was a long stormy, and weather-delayed flight but my weekend with the people I love was definitly worth it.
June 4, 2001 13:16:42 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey billy! I just wanted to tell you to have a safe flight home! I can't wait to see you! Love Crystal
May 30, 2001 16:53:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Vance Hays
Comments:Billy, my friend (or should I say "matey" to stay in the vernacular of your surroundings?) Hope you still love your current life and surroundings. But even the bad times and events are important in the whole scheme of us becoming who we are and what we stand for. Actually, I don't really believe that we ever achieve God's plan for us or even our own plans for us. We just try to get a little closer and better each day. If we didn't have any goals or improvements to look forward to, then we would not be as 'usable' as God wants us to be and would become complacent. Your on the right track buddy. Take care.
May 24, 2001 18:33:26 (GMT Time)

Comments:Crystal, you're the best! I know I already told you about my new abilities as a juggler, but I want to make sure everyone else knows right here and now. Yes, I Billy Riggs learn to juggle in the course of about 2 hours today. How did this occur? Well, Cricket has to be the most boring and complicated sport in the world. I think I would rather sit around watching grass grow, or trying to feel the earth move. So, what did I do? I picked up two cricket balls and started to toss, and after only an hour later of such an EXCITING cricket match I was adding another ball. Now don't get too excited. I am still a novice, I would never want to get a big head about my latent talents that have emerged.
May 22, 2001 21:00:10 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey billy.... You're pictures are awesome!! I miss you! See you soon! Crystal
May 22, 2001 01:40:57 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Thanks Hays. I am having a wonderful time over here, and of course ever songwriting and lyricizing. There is a lot of inspiration here and many things to distract from the actual work I have to do. It's great. Keep in touch. -Billy
May 21, 2001 09:35:33 (GMT Time)

Name:Vance Hays
Comments:Billy- Had no idea you were abroad (not "a broad"). Sounds like you are among friendly folks. That's a good thing. Hope you're still lyricizing (?) in your spare time. From the pictures of your surroundings, I'd say there are many things to inspire you. Have a good week buddy, I'll stay in touch. (at least on this journal board, anyway) Your Pike County Bud- Hays
May 18, 2001 17:08:17 (GMT Time)

Name:William Riggs
Comments:Yes, for all who care to know, there is a slight error in the guestbook that I can't quite pinpoint. For some reason it will only take so many character per entry no matter how large I make the entry box. So take care and make sure that your whole message gets printed. -Billy
May 13, 2001 22:15:33 (GMT Time)

Comments:Wow--what an adventure you are having--not reading just for a few days has gotten me way behind in following yu--glad to have these few minutes to read and communicate with u--I copied and send to my business friends your entry for May 10 on time zones, because we constatly complain about the hassels our lovely state affords us when we try to plan distance learning events among sites that are locatd in 3 different time zones, and trying to exist in a "bell environment" (that would be a "school")... we should videoconference together! there's a website, that shows us where there are sites from which to videoconference all over the world. My "ATM" number here in Jasper is 812-524-5753. Or we could IP video, just over the internet--my Internt Protocol address is: Let's go for it. MUM
May 11, 2001 14:51:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Dr. Glenn Riggs
Comments:Billy Bo --Just read all of your Journal this morning -- and in talking with you yesterday realize again that God does have a very special plan for you and He is blessing you. Jer. 29.11 - I love you and am very proud you to. Good genes, hard work and mostly the Lord is what it takes. Dad
May 7, 2001 16:51:29 (GMT Time)

Comments:It is sunny today!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
May 4, 2001 12:27:14 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Why is the Radcliffe Camera called a 'Camera' and not a square? Why is Magdalen College pronounced 'Maudlin' rather than like it looks Magdalen? These are questions that not even the local Oxfordites can answer. Couldn't they just make something up for me? Heck, I would probably believe it!
May 1, 2001 19:54:52 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:I am having one of those days where I feel really un-cool- like I am completely backward and foreign to this entire place and am a lost puppy-dog who cannot relate to anyone. Kinda sucks and makes me not want to talk.
April 30, 2001 13:19:01 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Pictures will be here a week from tommorrow (next friday may 4) so they tell me. So mark your calendars and be prepared to see some of what I am seeing. Billy
April 26, 2001 14:04:47 (GMT Time)

Comments:Crystal, I loved the email, and wrote you a long response. Hope you are having a good week!!! Good luck running this weekend. Miss you. Billy
April 25, 2001 19:12:01 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey Billy I wrote you a long email tonight! I hope you like it! I'm going to write a message to your mom if that's ok? HELLO BILLY'S MOM!!!!! Ok there I did it! Well I miss you a bunch! Love, Crystal
April 25, 2001 02:31:16 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Thanks Crystal. I am beat after today, so I understand your state. Do take care of yourself- and remember to get plenty of sleep, which is the thing I need right now... It is great to hear even a little from you. I will write you more when I can think strait and stop yawning uncontrollaby...goodnight
April 24, 2001 22:27:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey billy, just thought I'd drop you a little note. I haven't had much time to write you a lot. I will soon though I promise!! I'll send you some pictures soon too! Hope you're having fun! Talk to you soon! Love, Crystal
April 24, 2001 17:11:46 (GMT Time)

Name:sally riggs
Comments:I love this journal--and I love seeing what everybody writes--I emailed you a long one yesterday--but it didn't show up on the journal--I sent it to your email--can you make it show up? Cause it had some Godly stuff in it for you....Crystal sounds sweet, and very interested in you--smart girl! Those who recognize the awe you hold for LIFE are precious to me. I wish Grandma had email, but will try to print off at least portions to show her. Love you--mom
April 24, 2001 14:01:35 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Thank you sweet Crystal. I am taking care of myself and eating, don't worry. My British word for the day is one I hard some guy say when I walked by him on the street: Rubbish! I like the way that word sounds. Kind of comical yet in a way sarcastic.
April 23, 2001 10:39:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:Just thought I'd say hello!!!!!!! Hope you're taking good care of yourself! Are you eating???hehe
April 23, 2001 05:30:08 (GMT Time)

Name:Sir William W. Riggs
Comments:Talking to English people over here is awful. I feel like my speech is so dirty and abrupt, not smooth and noble like theirs. it makes me very self-conscious, and want to start talking with a lilt just like theirs so I won't sound so different and like some 'Yankee cowboy.'
April 22, 2001 18:46:17 (GMT Time)

Name:Billy Riggs
Comments:Crystal- You're my sweetie! And you're hot ;) Billy
April 21, 2001 16:03:26 (GMT Time)

Name:Crystal Meeks
Comments:I miss you a bunch. Thanks for the journal!!!! Hope you're having a great time! Can't wait to see you again!!!!
April 21, 2001 01:13:25 (GMT Time)

Comments:thank goodness I finally started meeting people last night and met the rowing team from Exeter college. Went back to their 'college bar' and met some more people just returning. It was quite pleasant. Cheerio!
April 19, 2001 11:16:40 (GMT Time)

April 18, 2001 10:22:27 (GMT Time)