Biographical Information

Full Name: William Warren Riggs Born: 9/9/78
Hometown: New Albany, IN, USA (find it) Age: (you figure it out)
Father: Dr Glenn R. Riggs- HS superintendent,  Pike County School Corporation Mother: Sally J. Riggs- distance learning coordinator, SIEC (I developed her page there)
Siblings: Benjamin, Gabriel & Haley High School: Graceland Christian High School
College: Ball State University Degree: BA; History, Spanish
Favorite Color: Green (yellow & blue) Favorite Food: Pasta
Passions: Running and music; people; expression; family Likes: Reading, thinking & writing; computers; art; church

I was born and raised in the Louisville metropolitan area.  That is Louisville, Kentucky pronounced 'Loouvul' if you are a local.  Luckily, I have been spared that honor and actually live in the state of Indiana.  There are many advantages to being raised in "Hoosier-land."  One is a never-ending abundance of corn.  Yes, I heard once we were called, "the land of corn and hogs."  I am not sure about the pig factor, but corn is a definite fixture of the Indiana landscape.  

Another advantage of coming from Indiana would be a longstanding heritage of basketball.  I don't know if Indiana is world renowned for being a "hoops" Mecca, but at least in the United States it seems to have a reputation of being a basketball-crazy state.  And let me tell you the terrible yet terrific truth; all the rumors you've heard are true.  It's a phenomenon I just really can't understand, even having lived here all my life.  People are just crazy for basketball.  It is the thing to watch on Friday night or Monday night, and you can always find a game on the television.  Work schedules sometimes revolve around basketball games.  Teachers stop teaching, and police let criminals run free (Not like there are an abundance of them.) all for the sake of a dumb yet fabulously fun game.  

Instead of basketball I chose running as my primary sport, and though I went against the grain a bit, I was amply rewarded.  I became the best runner at my high school, and earned a college scholarship to run cross country and track at Ball State University.  I spend three to four hours a day running, both in the morning and the evening, working to reach my competitive goals.  I run intervals and complete threshold workouts to adapt my body to oxygen deprivation and the mental challenges of fatigue.  Weights, hydration, nutrition, and sleep are part of my daily routine to prepare for racing.

To me, running is natural and I love it.  I have found that its simple, rhythmic motion is mentally and emotionally stimulating.  There are no gimmicks, rules, or limitations.  My only true opponent is myself.  Like a mental game of chess, a constant battle goes on between my mind and body.  When anticipating an event, my nervousness can feel almost crippling, but it puts my body in a heightened state of readiness and prepares me to run my best. After every run, whether in a race or in solitude, I feel a sense of relief and peace.  Many times, I have felt discouraged before running but ended up completely refreshed afterwards.

The biggest advantage to living and maturing in Indiana has been the diversity I have been exposed to.  I am a creative, hardworking  individual, having harvested some of that old pioneer blood which still runs in peoples veins here.  I have inherited the American entrepreneurial spirit, and believe principles of capitalistic achievement, yet I am down to earth enough to have seen that pure capitalism does not work for everyone- that there are both winners and losers.  It was not to long ago that I realized that though all men are created equal, all opportunities are not equal.  Charity, assistance, education and one on one, personal relationships remain key to making sure everyone has the chance to succeed.  

I was very blessed to be given the ability to dream and apply myself to aggressively pursue my goals.  Faith in God, has been a large portion of this.  I believe he was put to death at our expense, paid for our sins and, because of this, takes away every one of our blemishes.  He offers a passionate hunger for wisdom and knowledge, a creativity that words cannot describe, and prospers me in mind, body, and spirit assisting me in all my writing, documentation, performance, etc.  By His undeserving grace and showering mercies I am able to use my talents to their fullest capabilities, becoming all he has made and wants us to be, for it his will I follow, for I are not a god,  but a mortal and very fallible man attempting to wholeheartedly serve God.

My career goals have always been very broad.  When I was younger I wanted to be everything from a preacher, to a doctor, to a politician, to a "G.I. JOE", even a medical doctor.  I have always believed that I should not follow another's path for my life, or conform to any societal precedent, but should strive to attain that which I really wants- following the heart.  I have desired to pursue a performance career first.  I enjoy expressing myself and my heart has always been set on entering the performing arts and music industries, participating in some sort of creative expression.  

Musically, I have a passion for things that sound good.  The first music I ever heard as a child was an interesting psychedelic piece called "Icarus" by Paul Winter Consort.  I learned to play the trumpet in fourth grade.  I also learned to play tuba, guitar, bass and piano. My primary instrument during the past few years has been the classical acoustic guitar.  In practice, I teach my eyes to associate chord patterns, or notes on a sheet of paper, with complicated finger positionings.  I practice scales and finger drills over and over again, in order to become more dexterous and smooth.  I set aside time every day to do these exercises, and rehearse pieces for performance in front of a professor or an audience.  I have had the same experience when acting in high school plays, having to rehearse and memorize lines, long before interpreting a character’s words and actions in a play.

I have always loved to perform: to be someone other than myself, or to express what lies deepest on my heart, soul, and mind.  Performance challenges you to know yourself, to know what you believe and why, when you are in front of people.  It is challenging and intriguing to open yourself up to people regardless of facades or exterior appearances.  It makes you very vulnerable but can be amply rewarding as well.  This is my goal on stage performing with my voice and guitar or in interpreting other characters in drama.   One of my favorite things to do is sit on my bed think, listen to music, play guitar, and write. 

I also have a career desire to work to help others, both personally and professionally, whether at home or abroad, pursuing some field of public service. I hope to serve my country in whatever capacity it needs, whether as a foreign diplomat abroad, or domestic political advisor, or in some other form of international relations. I want to be able to advise others on the global acceptance and use of technology, which will have a huge impact on foreign policy in the future. The "information superhighway" will be essential for leaders in this time of change and I am excited to study and apply these new technologies.

I am interested in changes within the European community, which raise fundamental questions for future decision-makers- questions that affect even Americans. The solidification of the EU creates great opportunity for peace as well as for conflict. The EU has the potential to either promote or hinder US trade as an economic union. There are questions to be settled in the coming years regarding things like national sovereignty, currency reform and economic unity, technology use and integration, even oil prices. A Europe traditionally divided by ethnicity must live in cooperation. It is essential that I as a leader understand that interdependence.

I plan to pursue these interests through formal study, as well as independent philanthropy.  I desire to continue my running, music, active lifestyle and devotion to God.  I have outlined many goals and visions in a paper I wrote a few years ago, entitled my Mission Statement if you would like more information.  Such a lifestyle of adventure will not be easy.  I expect to be challenged with difficulties such as language barriers or new relationships, not to mention a strenuous workload, but I believe that these will stretch me and make me grow stronger. There are still many things for me to discover, but I am ready to immerse myself academically, socially, and physically- and make use of my many diverse abilities to impact the world.  

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