
Easter at Home, April 15 2001

Oxford, England, April 16-25,  2001

After the rugged plane ride...

My room...the "Garden Flat."

Another view of the "spacious" accommodations...

The view stepping out my door every morning- well, every morning when it isn't raining...

The courtyard at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University: Where I am croquet King, or at least I would like to be.

The "King" himself, strait from a PCA (Profession Croquet Association) appearance.

Jamie,  James and Gareth- "the competition"

Harris Manchester Library 

My "daft" tutor for politics Dr. Lesley Smith. (With a descriptive adjective straight from her mouth!)


The Radcliffe Camera and the Rhodes House two places that I do a substantial amount of research.

The Pitt Rivers Museum.. home to a bunch of shrunken heads among other anthropological oddities.

On the roof of Arlosh Hall...breaking the rules I don't know.

Tea anyone?...Cheers mate!

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