More of Oxford/London, May 2001
A church in downtown Oxford.
Queens college- Where it is fun to take pictures of the groundkeeper and his lawnmower!
Another view of Harris Manchester College Chapel
May Day dinner- I think we had duck? Or so I was told.
Gareth and I enjoying the May Day meal.
With Erik Danemar my Swedish friend after dinner on May Day.
Malcolm and I pose on our ride to Headington Park two weekends ago.
Matt shares some of the limelight on the big hill in Headington Park.
A portion of the old Oxford Castle that is now the police station.
What I believe to be a motte or tower or ground used in early castle fortifications (see motte and bailey system). It is located just to the east of the old Oxford castle/police station.
Bored in the train on the way to Hampton Court
The entrance to Hampton Court, one of King Henry the VIII's casltes. I got a bit carried away taking pictures in the gardens as is seen below.
Above you see even the intricate work on the stones and even the gates of Hampton Court.
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