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My New Super Hero, Born on May 22, 2001


His name is Happy!

Oxford, Late May 2001

Henry VII reminds me of Benji the Hunter

Marble Arch- old territory and stomping grounds for me

Trafalgar Square


En route to Parliment on the Tube


Big Ben and the Millenium Wheel


Westminster Abbey

Trying to be 'artsy' at Westminster Abbey

Concert at Worcester College

A beautiful day for learning how to 'punt' on the Thames- to bad we had no pimms nor Brideshead Revisited that we could read passages from.

Port Meadow

A random old church found while escaping from the big city of Oxford to the village of Cumner

A fairyland mushroom-carved stump in Cumner

Christ Church Meadow on the way to Gareth's cricket match, May 22, 2001

Can you find Gareth? Nice try.

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